Shwedagon Pagoda opening hours reduced to seven hours

Shwedagon Pagoda opening hours reduced to seven hours
Published 25 March 2020
Kyi Naing


The Shwedagon Pagoda will be opened only from 9 am to 4 pm daily as of March 25 as a measure to prevent COVID-19, according to the pagoda board of trustees.

The board announced the news on its noticeboards in all the stairways of the pagoda. Reducing pilgrimage hours aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

“Regularly, the pagoda opens from 4 am to 10 pm. Now, we have cut the opening hours due to COVID-19. The decision was made by the pagoda board of trustees,” said board member Thaung Htike. 

The pagoda normally is open to public about 18 hours daily from 4 am to 10 pm. Now, the opening time is just seven hours.