Fire engulfs Mandalay neighborhood, charcoal use sparks blaze destroying 36 homes

Fire engulfs Mandalay neighborhood, charcoal use sparks blaze destroying 36 homes
Photo-Ko Than Htay
Photo-Ko Than Htay
Published 11 May 2024

In a tragic incident reported by the Myanmar Fire Department, a devastating fire erupted in Mandalay due to the use of charcoal for cooking, quickly spreading to a nearby wall at approximately 11:15 am on May 10.

The blaze originated at a residence located at 78th, between 8th and 9th streets in Theingone ward, east Amarahtarni, Aungmyay Tharzan Township.

The inferno swiftly engulfed neighboring houses, resulting in the destruction of 36 homes in its path.

Responding promptly, a Level 2 emergency response team comprising 25 firefighting vehicles, 10 water trucks, and 3 administrative vehicles, along with 70 auxiliary fire brigade members and 130 reserved firefighters, rushed to the scene. Their coordinated efforts led to the containment of the fire by around 11:50 am, with complete extinguishment achieved by noon.

As a result of the fire, a total of 36 houses were destroyed and their properties were also lost. 45 households affected by fire; 89 men, 98 women totaling 187 were temporarily placed in the Daw Phi Dharmaryone (community hall).

Authorities have taken legal action in response to the incident, with the 71-year-old resident of the house where the fire originated facing charges under Section 285 of (Pa)-41 / 2024, as filed by the local police station.