ALP calls for end to urban battles in Rakhine State

ALP calls for end to urban battles in Rakhine State
Published 21 June 2024

The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) issued a statement on June 20 requesting respective parties to stop the fighting in towns in Rakhine State.

Due to the long-term war in Rakhine State, the people are homeless and suffering. Refugees from Maungdaw, Ponnakyun, Yanbye, Yathedaung and Buthidaung townships, who are suffering the effects of the city-occupation battles, have not yet been able to return to their homes. In the rainy season, they are faced with having no place to live and eat every day. Similarly, some people are facing difficulties in Thandwe and Taungup, stated the ALP.

Now that they are preparing to start a battle in Maungdaw, the ALP party is very uneasy, and not only Muslims, but Rakhine Buddhists and Hindus, Daingnet are living in Maungdaw. It is important to ensure the safety of people, it said.

Therefore, the ALP appealed to all those involved in the conflict to be considerate of people's lives and not to fight in the town.

Currently, the Arakan Army (AA) has announced that it will attack Maungdaw town and has issued a warning to residents on June 16 to flee from the town.

In November 2023, the United Nations (UN) announced that more than 160,000 people had been displaced due to renewed fighting between the Tatmadaw and AA in Rakhine State.

In addition, the humanitarian situation in Rakhine State is alarming due to the still intense fighting and about 1.6 million people in central and northern Rakhine State are not accessed to health care services, according to the UN.