Ongoing fighting between Tatmadaw and TNLA traps civilians in Kyaukme

Ongoing fighting between Tatmadaw and TNLA traps civilians in Kyaukme
Published 27 June 2024

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) persists in Kyaukme, leaving residents trapped indoors and fearing for their safety, local sources report.

Gunfire has been ongoing since 9:00 a.m. on June 26, with a lull in the afternoon, yet locals remain hesitant to venture outside. 

"The gunshots have ceased for now, but people are afraid to leave their homes," remarked a resident of Kyaukme.

Conflict initially erupted on June 25 near Kyaukme, with intermittent gunfire continuing into subsequent days.

"Last night was quiet, but today gunfire resumed in the morning, subsiding around noon. Residents are still unable to leave their homes," another local shared.

According to residents, the situation has effectively confined them indoors, unable to move freely.

"People are stuck at home; no one is venturing out," emphasized a resident.

On June 25, an explosion near a duty-free market claimed the lives of a man and a woman, injuring a 14-year-old girl, according to local aid groups' reports on social media.

On June 26, the Kyaukme Social Assistance Association received distress calls from across the town but was unable to provide assistance due to the ongoing conflict.

"We've received requests for help from at least six individuals today. However, it's too risky to respond," stated a representative from the association.

Kyaukme, situated in the northern part of Shan State's Kyaukme District, is home to nearly 40,000 people, predominantly Shan, as per the 2014 census.