Pregnant woman gives birth near Sule pedestrian bridge in Yangon Region

Pregnant woman gives birth near Sule pedestrian bridge in Yangon Region
Published 27 May 2024

Yesterday morning, a heartwarming incident unfolded near the iconic Sule pedestrian bridge in Kyaukdata Township, Yangon Region. According to reports from the Lin Let Social Organization, a pregnant woman unexpectedly went into labor while walking near the bridge.

An unidentified official from the organization shared their account of the event: “She suddenly gave birth while walking near the pedestrian bridge. It seems she was already in the process of delivering, and we noticed that she was carrying some items. When we arrived at the scene, the baby’s placenta had not yet been cut. Consequently, we worked together with other officials to safely sever the placenta.”

The newborn baby, a girl, now has a remarkable story to tell about her unconventional entrance into the world. Her mother resides in Shwe Pyitha Township, also in Yangon Region. 

Fortunately, well-wishers stepped forward to offer donations for the baby, and both mother and child were promptly transported to the hospital.