Family of three interrogated over PDF group support in Bilin

Family of three interrogated over PDF group support in Bilin
Published 22 June 2024

Three family members from Zotthoat village in Beilin Township are being detained and interrogated for allegedly supporting the PDF group.

It has been reported that U Hla Moe, 50, his wife Daw Nilar Khaing, and their 18-year-old son Maung Tun Hla Moe were arrested at their home in Zot Thut village by security forces on June 18.

"I heard that U Hla Moe was arrested for supporting PDF groups," a local resident said.

According to a source close to the security forces, the family is accused of providing money, food, and information to the PDF group. Currently, they are being detained and interrogated at Beilin Police Station.

Similarly, on June 13, security forces arrested eight residents of Kawsanaing ward in Kyaikhto, Mon State, including four members of the Kawsanaing social aid group, for similar allegations of supporting PDF groups, according to local residents.