Student injured as school bus comes under fire in Launglon Township

Student injured as school bus comes under fire in Launglon Township
Published 6 June 2024

In an alarming incident on June 4, a school bus came under attack in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region, resulting in the injury of a student.

The bus, en route to BEHS (1) School in Dawei with seven students on board, was fired upon by armed individuals near Pyinsa Theinhmaw Village along the Launglon-Dawei highway, according to local reports.

Eyewitnesses recount that despite the attack, the driver continued driving, prompting the assailants to open fire. Tragically, 14-year-old Maung Thet Paing Myo, a Grade-7 student, sustained a gunshot wound to his left hip.

The injured student was swiftly transported to a hospital in Dawei for medical attention.

Additionally, another unsettling incident occurred on the same day when a bomb exploded at a post-primary school in Ashatpyin ward, Dawei, around 12:30 pm. This explosion claimed the life of one student and left 22 students and a parent injured, as confirmed by the SAC Information Team.

Reports indicate that the explosion occurred when students discovered a 40 mm bomb while cleaning the school premises. Tragically, the bomb detonated while the students were attempting to hand it over to a teacher.

Emergency services, including ambulances from Zambu Thiri Social Assistance Association, promptly transported the injured students to Dawei Hospital for urgent medical treatment.