Two youths in Myawaddy arrested over demonstration against military coup

Two youths in Myawaddy arrested over demonstration against military coup
Published 22 February 2021
Shwe Thein (Myawaddy)

Police arrested two youths in Myawaddy for staging a protest against military coup on February 20. They were arrested after their demonstration and on the way back to their homes.

The two youths dressed up as Ma Phe Wah from the popular ghost story. 

Akar Khant Moe (26 years) and his friend Sandar Thin (33 years) were arrested at the junction of Sartaik near Myawaddy police station with police wearing civilian clothes around 11:30 am.

“We came back home together with them in a vehicle. They hadn’t changed their clothes of ghost Ma Phe Wah.  We managed to escape from the police except the two,” said a girl participating in the protest.

Their parents went to Myawaddy police station and requested to see them but they were denied according to their mothers.

Since the beginning of February 1, when the military junta seized power, people in Myawaddy staged various kinds of demonstrations against the coup from February 7 to till now. More than 30 people were charged with various kinds of laws and 10 were arrested for protesting.