Myawady to Mae Sot travel restricted to UID certificate holders

Myawady to Mae Sot travel restricted to UID certificate holders
Published 4 May 2024

People, who are going to visit from Myawady to Mae Sot in Thailand via Myanmar-Thailand border, are needed to show a UID (Unique Identification Number) certificate to make border crossing ticket since May 1 and thousands of people are crowding at the immigration office in Myawati District, sources said.

The Electronic Registration System Department of the Ministry of Immigration and Population collects and registers biographic data and biometric data for residents over the age of 10 and issues them a 10-digit UID.

A statement has also been issued that when registering such biographic and biometric information, it is necessary to bring along a national registration card or any document issued by the government.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Immigration and Population, Myanmar citizens are allowed to enter and exit officially with TBP and BP tickets from the specified border entry and exit gates when entering and exiting from neighboring countries such as China, Thailand and India. When allowing entry and exit from these border entry and exit gates, it has been announced that TBP, BP tickets will be issued only with the UID certificate in order to be able to have accurate access to border entry and exit population statistics and control movement using fake NRCs and unused cards.

In order to obtain a UID certificate, thousands of locals and travellers have to wait in line for a day to get a token, and they have to come to make the certificate on the day of the appointment, according to a local.

"Today, I had to miss a day of work to get a token. I will have to bring the UID paper on the next appointment day. There are thousands of people so I will have to take a one-day leave," said a resident of Myawady.