Heat stroke cases rise among middle-aged and elderly in Mandalay

Heat stroke cases rise among middle-aged and elderly in Mandalay
Published 18 May 2024

There are some middle-aged and elderly people suffering from heat stroke due to the rising temperature in Mandalay city, and at least one person per day is being helped, according to Mandalay city-based social aid organizations.

"These days, not only our organization but also almost every organization in Mandalay is helping. Almost every day, there are heat stroke patients," said an official from the Maha Social Assistance Association.

On May 16, a woman who lived between 82nd street and 83rd street on 32nd road in Chanayethazan Township had lost consciousness due to heat stroke and was sent to the Mandalay Public Hospital as her family members called for help, he continued.

"Heat stroke patients are sent to the hospital immediately after emergency treatment. The hospital provides additional assistance with health workers. Now it happened almost every day," said an official from the Maha Social Assistance Association.

Similarly, Manisala Social Assistance Association reported that on May 16, an elderly grandmother suffered from heat stroke and had to help and provide health care.

According to the Manisala Social Assistance Association, the elderly patient who was unconscious was brought to the association's office as a matter of emergency and was given ice water to cool down, and that she recovered after being given medicines and oxygen at the association's office.

An official of the Maha Social Assistance Association said that the people suffering from heat stroke are middle-aged aged 30 and above and elderly people.

"Regarding heat stroke, age groups start to experience it from 30 and above. Among them, those with diabetes and hypoglycemia are at risk. In the past, we had to help four or five people at the same time. Among them there are deaths. Now there is no death. As far as we know," said an official from the Maha Social Assistance Association.

Since the beginning of April, due to the rise in temperature in Mandalay, people have suffered from heat stroke and deaths have also occurred.

However, the temperature decreased due to the rains in early May, but after May 10, the temperature started to rise again.

After that, the number of people suffering from heat stroke increased again, according to the social assistance associations.

According to the announcement of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), the highest temperature records were set in Tada-U, Sagaing, Shwebo, Aunglan, Taungdwingyi and Kyauksein in the central region of Myanmar on May 16.

According to reports from Eldorado Weather, which publishes weather information, the central regions of Myanmar, such as Chauk and Magway cities in Magway Region, are among the 15 hottest cities in the world, and the temperatures are continuously rising.