Security forces in Tharkayta ambushed, Kyimyindaing traffic police post bombed

Security forces in Tharkayta ambushed, Kyimyindaing traffic police post bombed
Published 29 May 2021

According to nearby locals, security forces that had taken up posts in the Zinamar Pagoda compound were assaulted at the night of May 28 and there were injuries.

Locals say that soldiers and policemen had taken up post in the pagoda compound since last month.

A video footage spread online of the incident, which showed security forces returning fire along Myintawthar Road, in front of the pagoda compound. Series of gun fire could also be heard from the video clip.

The next morning on May 29, a traffic police post was allegedly attacked with a makeshift bomb but was off the mark.

On the morning of May 27, there were at least five explosions following a local ward administrator being gunned down at Mannpyay 20 street.