Rain and road conditions drive Myawady-Yangon fare over Ks100,000, some bus services suspended

Rain and road conditions drive Myawady-Yangon fare over Ks100,000, some bus services suspended
Published 3 June 2024

During the rainy season, parts of the Myawady-Yangon road in Kayin State, particularly around Dawna mountain earth roads, have deteriorated, making it challenging for vehicles to pass. As a result, some passenger bus lines have suspended their services, and those who must travel are paying elevated fares, exceeding 100,000 kyats for transport.

Travel and cargo vehicles are not permitted on the new Asia Road from Myawady to Kawkareik via Dawna mountain; instead, they must use alternative routes such as the Kyawkhoe-Htokawko road, Thitkatay road, and 1018 road. The rain-damaged roads have forced passenger and cargo transport lines to suspend their services, with some passengers being transported using two different vehicles.

According to a transportation driver, travel from Myawady to Htokawko is only possible with 4-wheel drive vehicles, and from Htokawko to Yangon, regular vehicles are used. A transportation worker described the challenging journey, stating, "We transport from Myawady to Htokawko with a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Sometimes we have to push the vehicle or tow it with a tractor. Once we reach Htokawko, we switch to regular passenger vehicles."

Passengers face high fares, with prices reaching 40,000 kyats from Myawady to Mawlamyine, 100,000 kyats from Myawady to Hpa-an, and 150,000 kyats from Myawady to Yangon. Vehicles often need to be pushed or walked along the Dawna mountain road, adding to the difficulties.

Cargo trucks carrying goods into the country are allowed on the old Myawady-Kawkareik Dawna mountain road, but vehicles traveling towards Myawady from Kawkareik are restricted. The travel difficulties and rising transportation costs have resulted in the prices of basic food items doubling in Myawady compared to previous prices.