Residents from ceasefire regions in constant anxiety over recurring clashes: report

Residents from ceasefire regions in constant anxiety over recurring clashes: report
Published 10 November 2018
Maung Htoo

Locals living in the ceasefire regions are in constant anxiety due to the fear that there will be clashes recurring in their regions, according to a report made by six civic and social organizations.

The six civic organizations are Karunar Social Mission Society, kayin social development network, kayah State peace monitoring network, Mon Women network, Ta’aung student and youth association, Pyaye Nyein Thukha social development association and CPCS.

The ceremony on introducing the report was held at the park Royal Hotel on November 8 and entitled “Give us back our environment. We don’t want clashes and terrorists acts”. The report was made after collecting data from 1537 residents from six conflict ridden areas in Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Northern and Southern Shan State as well as Mon State from May to September of 2017.

Residents in these areas expressed constant worry and repeatedly talked about fresh fighting breaking out in their regions as well as how sensitive the peace process is at present. Despite majority of the areas where interviews were made weren’t conflict heavy areas, there is worry that it could spread easily.

Locals also thought that voices of the native residents must be heard in the peace process and comprise of all armed groups in the peace process in order for it to be successful. The report said locals’ calls for comprising of all ethnic armed groups in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).

Moreover, development in social infrastructure such as schools and hospitals in the states and regions is needed according to locals. The abundance of narcotics and ease of access to them is a major challenge in many states and regions. Other highlighted major issues were lack of job opportunities as well as adverse impact to the environment caused by the natural resource extraction industry.

Resident long for their region’s development, unity and believes that cooperation between military and ethnic armed forces is required for the success of peace process.They also hope to get full use out of their lands and to get benefits from the natural resources in their regions.

The report goes on to state that the government and the military must have a common aim for building peace. The government also needs to reimagine associating with unlawful organizations. Government and armed organizations need to share information with social organizations. And Government need to find ways and means to put voices of locals in their peace process.

The aims of writing the report are the voices of locals to be heard by those working in the peace process, leaders who can decide and other important people.