Record heatwave sweeps through Mudon: daytime temperatures expected to rise slightly across multiple regions of Myanmar

Record heatwave sweeps through Mudon: daytime temperatures expected to rise slightly across multiple regions of Myanmar
Published 14 May 2024

Mudon broke a temperature record that had stood for 43 years, with a scorching 39.8 degrees Celsius on May 12, marking the highest since the establishment of its weather station, according to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

This new high surpasses the previous record of 39.3 degrees Celsius, which was set back on May 6, 2014. The DMH predicts that over the next two days, Nay Pyi Taw, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, and Bago regions might experience a slight increase in daytime temperatures.

However, the DMH has also issued warnings of Cumulonimbus clouds forming over Nay Pyi Taw, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady, and Taninthayi Regions, as well as in Shan, Kayah, Kayin, and Mon States. These areas could face severe weather phenomena including strong winds, heavy rain, thunderstorms, lightning, and hail.

Daytime temperatures are expected to soar 5 to 6 degrees Celsius above the May average in Taninthryi Region, Kayin State, and Mon State, 3 to 4 degrees Celsius higher than average in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay Region, Bago Region, Ayawady Region, and Kachin State, and 2 degrees Celsius higher than average in lower Sagaing Region, Magway Yangon region, Shan State (East), Rakhine State, and Kayah State. Meanwhile, the rest of the regions and states are likely to hover around the average May temperature, as per the DMH.

On May 12, unusual daytime temperatures were recorded at 42.6 degrees Celsius in Aunglan, 42.5 degrees Celsius in Taungdwingyi, 42 degrees Celsius in Kyaukse (Lun Kyaw), 41.5 degrees Celsius each in Minbu and Shwekyin, 41.3 degrees Celsius in NyaunU, Chauk, and Magway, and 41.2 degrees Celsius each in Pyay, Ngathaingchaung, and Mawlamyine.

There were reports of rainfall in various areas, with notable amounts including 1.27 inches in Pantanaw, 0.87 inches in Falan, 0.7 inches in Bogalay, 0.59 inches in Dedaye, 0.47 inches each in Yangon (Mayangon Township) and Myeik, 0.40 inches each in Manbin and Kyaiklat, 0.32 inches in Kyaukme and Nyangshwe, and 0.24 inches in Haka and Kayan, as reported by the DMH.