PPST welcomes ASEAN envoy’s ceasefire demand to facilitate humanitarian aid, seeking to meet him

PPST welcomes ASEAN envoy’s ceasefire demand to facilitate humanitarian aid, seeking to meet him
Published 8 September 2021

Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) leader Naing Aung Min has said they are trying to have a chance to meet the ASEAN envoy coming soon to Myanmar and have welcomed his request for a four-month ceasefire in order to provide humanitarian assistance.

NCA-S EAO (Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement – Signatories, Ethnic Armed Organizations) started a PPST meeting (19/2021) on September 7 through video conferencing, and Naing Aung Min made the remark in his opening speech.  

“Our country has in political crisis for over seven months. To break this deadlock, local and foreign organizations have been trying in various ways. But it is known to all that we could not have solved the problem. Meanwhile, we have to be fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic. Our PPST is seeking ways to overcome the political crisis and the pandemic,” he said.

He added that efforts were being made to continue peace talks after requesting NCA witness countries and organizations for coordination and mediatory measures.

“Meanwhile, we are contacting Mr Erywan Yusof, ASEAN special envoy for Myanmar, to allow a meeting with us when he arrives in our country soon. We also welcome his demand for a four-month ceasefire to pay the way for humanitarian aid to the Myanmar people being troubled by the political turmoil. We are ready to cooperate,” Naing Aung Min said. 

The Covid-19 Situation Management Committee (CSMC) was formed, and discussion was held with all stakeholders. Efforts are being made to vaccinate all the people as quickly as possible and improve the health facilities and capacity of healthcare staff in the EAO regions, he added.