Myanmar-Thailand No. 2 Friendship Bridge reopens for commercial vehicle traffic

Myanmar-Thailand No. 2 Friendship Bridge reopens for commercial vehicle traffic
Photo - CJ
Photo - CJ
Published 1 May 2024

The authorities re-allowed commercial vehicles to travel on No. 2 Friendship Bridge at the Myanmar-Thai border on the morning of April 30, sources said.

Due to the fighting, the bridge has been closed since April 20.

During the time the bridge was closed, the price of consumer goods produced in Thailand in Myawady town has increased more than before, according to the locals.

A border trader said commercial vehicles are allowed to enter and exit after reopening of No. 2 Friendship Bridge, but the trade processes are only carried out using a manual system.

"There is some damage due to the fighting, so the trade process is carried out with a manual system, there is a time delay. Now, we do not use automated system for the documents for both the exports and the imports and we are doing it in the same way as before," said a border trader.

Myawady-Kawkareik-Donna Taung Kyaw New Asia Road is still closed.