Party not for making money: NLD CEC member

Party not for making money: NLD CEC member
Published 23 October 2018
Htay Hla Aung

Members of the parliament wearing Pinni clothes must be aware that they do not work for self interest but instead strive for the country according to Thein Tan, member of central executive committee of NLD on October 21.

He said these words at a ceremony respect was paid towards the patrons of Mandalay Region NLD. It was organized by youth that had once worked at the Mandalay Region NLD headquarters.

Since the beginning of NLD, our lives were not an easy, rosy life. We had suffered torture, prison terms, and many other obstacles. Therefore, I thank all of those that had faithfully contributed for the NLD till today. I hope that it will go on like this in the years to come. Concerning with the MPs from NLD, as our leader Aung San Suu Kyi has said, one must have clear consciences in one’s work. You must be filled with good morale and character. So, MPs must never look for easy life or seek own interest on the pretext of wearing Pinni clothes, which is a symbol of NLD,” said Thein Tan, member of central executive committee of NLD.

MPs of NLD attended at the respect paying ceremony, where they paid obeisance to 12 veterans NLD members over 70 years of age.