Water levels in Ayeyawady and Chindwin Rivers: DMH issues warnings

Water levels in Ayeyawady and Chindwin Rivers: DMH issues warnings
Published 2 July 2024

The Department of Meteorological and Hydrology (DMH) has issued warnings regarding water levels in the Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers.

The water level in the Ayeyawady River has exceeded its danger level by approximately 135 cm in Myitkyina township, Kachin State.

However, the DMH predicts that the water level will decrease and fall below the danger level within the next two days. In Khamti township, the water level of the Chindwin River has already surpassed its danger level by over 170 cm.

Over the next 24 hours, the water level is expected to rise by approximately 4 feet. In Homalin township, the Chindwin River has exceeded its danger level by 12 cm, but it is projected to rise further by 4 feet within a day.

The water level will eventually exit its danger level in Homalin township.

Residents living near riverbanks and low-lying areas in Myitkyina, Khamti, and Homalin townships are advised to take necessary precautions in light of these water level fluctuations.