Flights to Lashio indefinitely suspended amid regional unrest

Flights to Lashio indefinitely suspended amid regional unrest
Published 3 July 2024

Domestic airline ticket sales offices report that flights to Lashio have been indefinitely suspended.

Due to the current situation in Lashio, Myanmar Airways International and Mingalar Airline have canceled their flights to Lashio starting July 3. Passengers are advised to contact their airlines and ticket sales offices for more information about their flights, as noted on the social media page of Fly With Dream, a domestic airline ticket sales representative.

A local resident from Lashio confirmed, "The airport is currently closed. For now, flight services have also been suspended."

At the end of last year, clashes in northern Shan State led to a five-month closure of Lashio Airport, and flights were suspended.

However, the airport reopened on March 19, 2024, and flight services resumed.

Lashio Airport offers flights to Yangon, Heho, Mandalay, Tachilek, and Myitkyina.