Myanmar reports 799 new patients and 19 deaths on Oct 28

Myanmar reports 799 new patients and 19 deaths on Oct 28
Published 29 October 2021

Myanmar found 799 new COVID-19 confirmed cases on October 28 bringing total number of patients to 497,700, according to an announcement from Ministry of Health (MOH).

A total of 18,884 samples are tested between 8 pm of October 27 and 8 pm of October 28 and found 799 patients. 19 more people died from the virus bringing total number of death tolls to 18,622, according to a report from the MOH.

A total of 4,810,731 samples are tested till October 28 and 1,466 people are allowed to be discharged from the hospital bringing total number to 463,349, it said.