Deputy information minister hints media censorship citing reason for media development

Deputy information minister hints media censorship citing reason for media development
Published 29 March 2019
Nay Yaing and Aung Min Thein

There must be media censorship if Myanmar's media world is to develop and it is also necessary to collect data about journalist population, said Deputy Minister for Information Aung Hla Tun.

The deputy minister made the remark in response to the media question over collection of journalist population during the recess of a disability and media workshop held in Nay Pyi Taw under the supervision of the Information Ministry on March 28.

"I used to say about this when I was vice chairman of Myanmar Press Council (MPC). In the international community, there are press councils and media organizations. We have MJA (Myanmar Journalists Association) and MJN (Myanmar Journalist Network). All must cooperate. It is also important for national cause. There must be media censorship if we want to develop media world. How many journalists are there? How many male and female journalists are there? Our ministry is ready. I want to do this," said the deputy minister.

He added that there were about 4,000 journalists in Myanmar.

He said it was be more suitable for MPC to lead the collection journalist population data adding that the ministry would provide assistance.

MPC vice chairman-2 Kyaw Naing (writer Htet Myat) said new media law and council law had been drafted and they would be sent to parliament.  He also said he supported the deputy minister for making a list of journalist population. He also invited any criticism over the MPC activities.

"We invite any suggestion. We want to do this. In next one or two days, we will raise this issue," said Kyaw Naing.