Curfew imposes in Khin-U

Curfew imposes in Khin-U
Published 24 August 2021
Htay Hla Aung

A curfew was imposed between 11 am and 4 pm on August 23 in order to control the COVID-19 in Khin-U Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Region.

The statement was issued by the COVID-19 Epidemiology and Emergency Response Committee of Khin-U Township. It said residents of these townships are required to live in their own homes and one person per house can go to outside for shopping from 5 am to 11 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm. All shops except for pharmacies and petrol stations will be closed.

Furthermore, if you have to go to a hospital or clinic, only three people per house are allowed. If someone wants to travel for emergency cases, he or she must report to the relevant ward administration members or health authorities to get permission. The curfew in Khin-U has been in place from August 23 to September 1.

One more case of COVID-19 found in Khin-U Township on August 23. A total of 772 cases were reported in the township and 21 people have been killed, according to the Khin-U Township Red Cross.