Two refugee camps in Kokang area provide shelters for over 19,000 IDPs

Two refugee camps in Kokang area provide shelters for over 19,000 IDPs
Published 11 November 2023

There are more than 17,700 people taking refuge in BP (125) refugee camp and more than 1,400 people taking refuge in Yanlong Kyaing refugee camp in Kokang Autonomous Region, sources said.

According to the release of the Kokang Autonomous Region News and Information Department, as of November 8, there are 17,765 refugees in the Kokang border post 125 IDP camp due to the constant instability of the local situation. It has been reported that in order to make the social life of the people in the refugee camps comfortable, more than 200 volunteers comprised of charitable organizations and rescue teams from various regions under the organization of the autonomous region, international organizations and people recorded information on people fleeing the war, distributed consumer goods, performed health examination and cleaned the living environment. After several days, it was able to operate normally.

In addition, as the number of people in the refugee camps continues to increase, the shortage of drinking water remains a problem. It is reported that the fire services department provided drinking water daily inside the camp, but the drinking water needs of around 18,000 people who are currently displaced cannot be met.

In order to alleviate the problem of drinking water shortage, volunteers used vehicles to carry drinking water. At present, the refugee camp receives daily supplies and medical supplies from local companies and donors, and some companies have supported the construction of temporary tents for those in urgent need in the refugee camp. The number of shops selling vegetables, food and daily necessities inside the refugee camp is constantly increasing, and the rules prohibiting the selling of goods at high prices in the refugee camp are meeting the basic living needs of the people.

Similarly, the Yanlong Kyaing IDP camp opened on November 6, and until November 9, there were more than 1,400 IDPs.

There are 28 volunteers in Yanlong Kyaing IDP camp organized by various charitable social relief organizations and they are responsible for various activities in the IDP camp. In order to meet the medical needs of the people displaced by the war, a clinic has been built in the Yanlong Kyaing IDP camp, and kitchen facilities have also been made to meet the daily cooking needs of the people displaced by the war.

In addition to this, it is known that the volunteers at Yanlong Kyaing IDP camp are working to improve the supply of drinking water and toilets in the IDP camp.

The main problem currently faced by the Yanlong Kyaing IDP camp is food, and because the rice and utensils brought by the IDPs are not enough, so food shortages may occur soon.