Three bombs explode in Arn

Three bombs explode in Arn
Published 6 February 2019
Than Hlaing (Sittwe)

Three bombs exploded in Arn Township, Rakhine State but no one was reportedly injured, sources said.

The bombs exploded on a road between Maelatmaung and Shuatkhone villages on the night of February 4 after five army trucks passed by the place, said Ko Ko Myat, administrator of Arn.

“We don’t know the culprit yet and the investigation is still continuing,” said the administrator.

Despite the explosions, vehicles can use the road. Arn is an entrance to Rakhine State and located on the Yangon-Sittwe Road.

“We heard gun fires after the explosion. The place is about three miles away from our village but we heard the explosion as it is night time,” said Wai Lin, Maelatmaung village administrator.

Hundreds of buses and trucks use the road daily.

Kazukine village administrator said he saw a little damage on the road and traffic are resumed around 1 am.