Singapore’s ban causes jam, affecting Malaysian motorists | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Singapore’s ban causes jam, affecting Malaysian motorists | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Gelang Patah/Photo credit; Wikipedia
Gelang Patah/Photo credit; Wikipedia
Published 2 April 2019

JOHOR BARU (The Star) - Malaysians are irked by Singapore’s decision to deny entry to all foreign vehicles with outstanding fines for traffic, parking or vehicular emissions, which has already started at the two-entry points.

Many Malaysians travelling into Singapore for work started their day yesterday being stuck in congestion at both the Causeway and Second Link near Gelang Patah.

Among them is Kathleen Ann Kili, 28, who said that the congestion at the Tuas Checkpoint was much worse because drivers stopped to pay their fines while some were forced turn back around.

“The checkpoint booths at the Malaysian side are not enough, which is the first cause of congestion. Now with the ban, the situation gets from bad to worse,” she added.

“People usually go around 5am to catch the first bus and avoid the rush, but from what I have experienced it’s beyond words because more people are opting to use buses following Singapore’s decision. “It will take time for people to be accustomed to this change because we cannot expect people to pay their outstanding fines quickly, so like it or not we have to bear with it,” she added.

Another factory worker, Mohd Faiz Mustaffa, 31, said there was nothing new with Singapore’s ban as the regulation had long been practised.

“It is their country. Like it or not, we just have to follow their laws,” he said.

It was earlier reported that foreign moto­rists are reminded to check any outstanding fines for vehicle-related offences and pay up, or they can be denied entry into Singapore.

Motorists should also retain the receipt for verification purposes during their subsequent entries to Singapore.

The move to deny foreign vehicles with outstanding fines for traffic, parking or vehi­cular emissions entry into Singapore was previously announced in February.

Singapore pointed out that as of February, drivers of foreign vehicles had accumulated about 400,000 outstanding fines amounting to S$32mil (RM96.35mil).

Motorists can check their outstanding fines at