Sethan gold shop in Mandalay robbed for the second time, approximately two visses of gold taken

Sethan gold shop in Mandalay robbed for the second time, approximately two visses of gold taken
Published 1 June 2024

The Sethan Gold Shop in Mandalay was targeted in a robbery once again, on May 31 around 3:00 PM.

Situated in Maha Aungmyay Township, between 84th and 85th streets, and  39th Street and 40th Street, the shop was targeted by a group of approximately six armed men who arrived in a vehicle. Upon entering the establishment, they proceeded to commit the theft, making away with about two visses of gold, including various items like bracelets, earrings, and bangles.

This incident marks the second robbery at the gold shop. Previously, on January 19, 2024, the shop, located in Mann City Market, had experienced its first robbery. During that event, three young men had arrived on a motorcycle and absconded with approximately three visses of gold along with two hundred thousand kyats.