PNLO, LDU and ALP peace delegates continue third day meeting with SAC peace talk team

PNLO, LDU and ALP peace delegates continue third day meeting with SAC peace talk team
Published 26 August 2022

The third day meeting between State Administration Council peace talk team and peace delegation led by the chairman of Pa-O national Liberation Organization-PNLO, the chairman of the Lahu Democratic Union-LDU and the vice-chairperson of the Arakan Liberation party-ALP was held at the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Center’s meeting hall in Nay Pyi Taw on August 25.

At the meeting, member of the negotiation committee, Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein explained agreements included in the Union Agreement section (3) with National Constitution (2008), Table 1 of national constitution, union legislation and table 2 of State or Regional legislation sector-wise.

Secretary of the negotiation committee Lt-Gen Min Naung also presented post 2020 processes that have to be carried out according to each level and phased implementations (Table-2).

Those present then shared their views and opinions and closed the third day meeting. The fourth day meeting will continue on August 26.

Present on the occasion were Peace Talks team leader Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, member of SAC Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, secretary of the negotiating committee Lt-Gen Min Naung, member of the negotiating committee Lt-Gen Min Naing, Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein, Lt-Gen Aye Win,  PNLO Chairperson Khun Thurein, vice-chairman Khun Tun Tin, chairman of LDU Kyar Solomon, genera;-secretary Kyar Yar Kok, ALP vice-chairperson Saw Mya Raza Lin and member of the central executive committee Khine Soe Mra.