Paper factory fire in a Sagaing’s Padanmyar Industrial zone

Paper factory fire in a Sagaing’s Padanmyar Industrial zone
Published 5 November 2021

SAGAING-------Fire broke out at Pyae Sone Gyi Pwar paper factory Thursday night in Padanmyar Industrial Zone in Sagaing Region.

Firefighters from Sagaing District Fire Brigade and social welfare associations were trying to extinguish the flames around 11pm.

The fire started at the warehouse where raw materials were stored there.

“Fire broke out at the paper factory situated in Padanmyar industrial zone around 9pm of November 4th. However, the fire can’t spread the nearby area and then there has been a creek beside the paper factory as well as education collage is situated near the paper factory,” said a local who already arrived at the scene of fire.

“We don’t hear about the fire outbreak. But, we knew above the news through a social media. It is a huge fire. The rain was pouring down in the Sagaing region on November 3rd. We don’t know how the fire started,” said a man from Sagaing region.

Currently, the authorities are investigating the cause of fire.