Heavy rain causes flooding in Myawady Town, Kayin State

Heavy rain causes flooding in Myawady Town, Kayin State
Published 10 June 2024

Myawady town in Kayin State has been grappling with heavy rainfall since the night of June 8.

The streets are now swamped, and water has inundated shops and houses in low-lying wards. According to local sources, the situation is dire.

A resident described the impact: “The downstairs of a two-story building is now submerged. In the past, water flowed through drains, but now there are no drains. The main road remained closed until yesterday morning, with no vehicles able to pass. Although the water receded on the main road, the streets are still flooded, and houses are inundated.”

Additionally, torrential rain from the mountain has caused difficulties for vehicles at the Myaenigon junction on Asia Road. Shops and warehouses have been submerged, resulting in damage to commodities.

The low-lying area of Aungmyae Shwe Bon ward is also severely affected, making it challenging to drive cars and motorbikes.