NLD to forms appraisal teams to monitor undertakings

NLD to forms appraisal teams to monitor undertakings
Published 18 February 2019

The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) plans to form the appraisal teams to monitor the undertakings of party members including region and state chief ministers, said Monywa Aung Shin, Secretary of the Central  Information Committee of the ruling National League for Democracy.

“I don’t know how the CEC will proceed with it in detail. The only thing I know is the CEC is trying to form the appraisal teams, he said.

The appraisal team will be formed with six people—three from the CEC and three from relevant regions and states. We don’t need to implement it in a hasty manner. We will carry out the formation of the appraisal team systematically. The teams should comprise experts and those who want to implement the democracy systematically, he continued.

Dr. Myo Nyunt, Spokesperson of the NLD told the media in early January that the CEC would suspend the duties of disqualified party members and take actions against them after forming the appraisal teams to monitor.

In the time of the NLD party, there were reshuffles of chief ministers in Ayeyawady Region and Mon State and ministers in Kachin State, Magway Region and Bago Region.