Market share expected to grow by 15 % this year

Market share expected to grow by 15 % this year
Male performer Nay Chi Oo is appointed as a brand ambassador to AIR KBZ. (Photo-Thiha Aung)
Male performer Nay Chi Oo is appointed as a brand ambassador to AIR KBZ. (Photo-Thiha Aung)
Published 7 March 2019
Shoon Lei Win + Maung Thiha Aung

AIR KBZ, which is claiming a 20 % of domestic air transport market, has expected that its market share would grow by a 15 % this year, said Kyaw Han, Chief Operation Officer (COO).

Myanma Airways International (MAI) is going to double its number of planes at the end of this year, aiming to gain increased market share, said Kyaw Han.

The remarks came from the annual ceremony of the MAI and AIR KBZ held on February 28.

During the ceremony, Kyaw Han, Chief Operation Officer (COO) and Commercial Director Mr Tanes Kumar explained alterations and developments of both airlines to those present.

“MAI started providing air service in 1993. Similarly, AIR KBZ started in April in 2011 and its service has turned more than eight years. Our two airlines gained success to some degree. AIR KBZ made a few changes in management style in October in 2018 and MAI on January 1 in 2019. The MAI possesses five percent of the international air transport market while AIR KBZ possesses 20 percent of domestic air transport market. AIR KBZ expects that its market share would grow by a 15 % this year,” said Kyaw Han.

Translated and edited by Win Htut