Hmawbi and Monywa hold support rally of amending 2008 Constitution

Hmawbi and Monywa hold support rally of amending 2008 Constitution
Published 18 February 2019
Myo Htet Paing, Kaung Khant Lin (Monywa)

Locals came together in a rally to support amending of the 2008 National Constitution in Hmawbi Township, Yangon Region on February 17.

About 200 participants of Hmawbi Township marched along from Panneitaw monastery until Phayar Thonesu monastery, chanting and shouting slogans related to their cause.

Among the protestors was Hmawbi Aye Lwin, a former political prisoners. 

He said that, "The 2008 Constitution is drawn for the sake of dictators and his group in order to protect themselves. It is not for the people. They have drawn it to hinder progress and development for the nation. If we continue to live under that Constitution, there will be no development for the whole of Myanmar. For the development and interest of Myanmar people, we are holding this rally to show that we support amending the 2008 constitution".

Likewise, locals of Monywa held a protest on February 17 staging for the support of amending the 2008 Constitution. About 1000 locals participated to show desire to amend the 2008 constitution. 

"Emergence of Bill on amending 2008 constitution is our NLD party's policy. Based on the policy of our party, and amending the constitution's requirement is the future of our country. That's why I'm satisfied for doing so. Our NLD party had always stood in support of the public. Public's voice and desire is our party's  voice and desire.  According to the State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi’s own words, we have to march forward," said Dr. Myint Naing, Chief Minister of Sagaing Region Government.

The highly controversial 2008 Constitution was not drawn by the Parliament but by successive military governments. It doesn't  give adequate protection to public and isn’t designed for the interest of the public, according to Monywa native Maung Maung Thaung.

Along the procession, over 1000 locals of Monywa shouted slogans for amending the constitution.