Foreign liquor prices double, some shopping centres sell only a bottle per customer

Foreign liquor prices double, some shopping centres sell only a bottle per customer
Published 19 September 2022

Prices of imported liquor bottles have almost doubled, and some shopping centres are selling only a bottle per person, according to some liquor houses in Yangon city.  

Prices have been increasing since August, they said.

“As purchase prices of bottles of foreign liquor get higher and higher, we cannot sell them back at the same prices as before. They have nearly doubled,” said a local liquor house owner.

Even some liquor houses are facing stock shortages as they cannot afford to buy at an exorbitant rate. 

“We cannot buy more bottles because of the price hikes. The prices are doubling,” said a liquor house owner in Tharkayta Township.

Moreover, there are purchase limits at some shopping centres in Yangon allowing a customer to buy only a bottle of foreign liquor.

One customer said: The other day, I went to a shopping mall where I found the notices saying a customer can buy only a bottle of liquor. Prices have doubled as well.”

Likewise, prices of locally made liquor have also increased a little, the local sources said.