Fire broke out at an animal shelter in North Dagon Township killing 20 animals

Fire broke out at an animal shelter in North Dagon Township killing 20 animals
 Photo-Shin Than Khwint social organization
Photo-Shin Than Khwint social organization
Published 4 January 2024

A fire broke out at an animal shelter in North Dagon Township on the night of January 3 where 20 animals were killed in the fire, according to sources.

According to the information of fire broke out at Aung San Thuriya Hla Thaung Street in Ward (48) of North Dagon Township, Fire Services Department went and extinguished the fire.

“About 20 dogs and cats were killed in the fire and the rest animals were rescued,” said an official from the Wun Yan Hmu Social Organization. But some dogs and cats were injured due to fire.

There are about hundreds of dogs and cats in the shelter, and there is also a cemetery to bury them if they die.