Fighting escalates in Mrauk-U

Fighting escalates in Mrauk-U
IDPs from Sinoo Village (Photo-Khin Maung San)
IDPs from Sinoo Village (Photo-Khin Maung San)
Published 23 February 2019
Thar Shwe Oo (Kisapa) & Than Hlaing

Fighting between army and Arakan Army (AA) is continued in Mrauk-U Township, Rakhine State and all villagers from Sinoo Village, Yanaungpyin village tract in the township are running away from the fighting.

About 170 people from 40 family households in the village arrived in Satitaung Village, Kyaukkyet village tract on February 22.

“All villagers from Sinoo Village are temporarily sheltering at Satitaung Village. They deserted their home as fighting occurred near their village. They need helps urgently,” said Administrator of Kyaukkyet village.

They were hiding in the village when they heard gun fires and they had shortage of food as they cannot go out to find food.

“We heard gun fires from Nalate since 10 am. We need to go to the forest to find meats and vegetables daily but we cannot dare to go out amidst the fighting,” said Than Win Hlaing, in-charge of Sinoo Village.

“We came to Satitaung Village with a powered schooner as we cannot dare to use road. The fighting occurred in Yanaungpyin and Sinookyaw road about three days ago. We need food urgently as we cannot bring anything to eat,” said Aye Tun Hla from Sinoo Village.

Clashes have occurred in the township since February 19 and locals from Gayapyin, Kyaukkyet and Satitaung villages are run away to Ywarmapyin Village, Kyauktaw Township.

Fighting intensified on February 19 and both side suffered casualties, according to the announcement.

The army said some soldiers are wounded and they seized nine bodies and a RPG mortar from the AA on February 19.

The AA said both sides suffered casualties in the fighting occurred at Yanaungpyin Village at 9:00 am and near Makyar Village at 2:30 pm on February 19.