Female schoolteacher shot dead in Tonzan

Female schoolteacher shot dead in Tonzan
Published 19 November 2019
Aung Thu Tun (Kalay)


A female school teacher who was serving her duty in Twibyesan Village, Haikyin Village-tract, Tonzan Township, Chin State, was shot dead by a man of ethnic Kathe living in the same village.

"The incident happened at about 9.30 pm on November 17. She had been living in this village for four or five years. The man living in the same village shot her. She did not die on the spot. She was sent to a station hospital in Kyikha Township. But she was transferred to Tonzan. She died there at about 9 am following day. When asked, his mother-in-law said he used to quarrel with her. They had social problems. She said the incident might have occurred unintentionally," said  Haikyin Village-tract administrator Kam Za Em.

Dein Lun Marn was 27 years old when she died. The shooter named Vinok married to a woman from Twibyesan Village has been living in the village for about four years.

"The shooter is at large. The village lacks security and has a few houses with only about 50 or 60 people. There are about 14 homes in the village which is located about nine miles from Haikyin Village. Communication is very poor," said the village administrator.