COVID-19 jab coverage reaches up to 35 percent of Myanmar’s population

COVID-19 jab coverage reaches up to 35 percent of Myanmar’s population
Caption: Above 12 years of students lined up to get COVID-19 jabs in South Okkalapa Township (Photo-Aung Myo Thant)
Caption: Above 12 years of students lined up to get COVID-19 jabs in South Okkalapa Township (Photo-Aung Myo Thant)
Published 30 October 2021

Up to 35 percent of Myanmar’s population completed COVID-19 vaccination and more doses of COVID-19 are needed to buy at the end of this year to reach 50 percent of COVID-19 coverage in  Myanmar’s population according to a 13th coordination meeting on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment  committee held at the Bayint Naung hall in Nay Pyi Taw.

In Myanmar, there are 6.42 million people who completed two doses of COVID-19, 6.36 million people completed one dose of COVID-19 till October 26. Altogether 12.79 million people completed COVID-19 doses and over 19 million doses were given.

Plans have been made to cover 50 percent of population at the end of 2021 and 70 percent of population in middle of  2022, sources said.

Among the 24 million doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine agreed to buy from China, 20 million doses have already y arrived Myanmar.

At present, COVID-19 jabs are given to above 45 years of age beginning from October 17 instead of above 55 years of age.

 Since September 14, new destination groups have been extended to give COVID-19 jabs.  It includes above 55 years of age civilians, disable, national races, ethnic armed forces members, migrant workers and people from IDP camps, chronic patients and people with non-communicable diseases. Now, above 45 years of age people are included in the list.

Myanmar started COVID-19 vaccination since January 2021.

Ministry of Health urges public to receive COVID-19 jabs, to complete full doses of COVID-19 at the set period or in a nearest time frame of first dose.