COVID-19 infection rate declines in most of the regions and states, including Yangon, except for Mandalay, Tanintharyi and Kayah

COVID-19 infection rate declines in most of the regions and states, including Yangon, except for Mandalay, Tanintharyi and Kayah
Published 19 August 2021

Although COVID-19 infection rate is gradually declining in most of regions and states, including Yangon Region, except for Mandalay and Tanintharyi regions and Kayah State, where there is a slight uptrend, according to the Ministry of Health.

“Looking back at the regions and states, Yangon Region has a long holiday and in the first week it started to drop by more than 20 percent. In the second week, it dropped by more than 40 percent. In the third week, the figure dropped by more than half. The infection rate is declining in Nay Pyi Taw, Sagaing, Bago, Ayeyawady and Magway region and Kayin, Rakhine, Mon and Kachin states. There are some areas where the infection rate is unchanging,” said an official from the ministry.

Although the COVID-19 infection rate has dropped in most regions and states, the infection rate in three regions and states is found to be slightly increased. Efforts should be made to minimize contact with special caution in those areas and to comply with COVID-19 regulations, He said.

“We found that the infection rate in Mandalay and Tanintharyi regions and Kayah State is increased although there is a three-week long holiday,” he said.

In Mandalay Region, three townships, where the highest infection rate occurred, are Natogyi, Thabeikkyin and Sintku. In Tanintharyi Region three townships, where the highest infection rate occurred, are Dawei, Myeik and Launglon. In Kayah State, the infection rate is increased in percentage and three townships, where the highest infection rate occurred, are Loikaw, Hpasawng ung and Bawlakha.

“As for Kayah State, it is increasing by a percentage. The infection rate is high due to the population. However, there is a risk of a contagion if one person is found infected, so special care must be taken,” he said.

"Nationwide, the diagnostic graph is downward and it will be successful if only the rate is not continued to rise in areas where the rate is high. If so, it will be the condition to overcome the COVID-19 third wave," he said.

The death toll from COVID-19 in Myanmar has dropped since August 5 with the infection rate around 30 percent, according to the ministry.