Chinese cars threaten Myanmar banana transporters

Chinese cars threaten Myanmar banana transporters
Published 23 January 2024

Myanmar transport operators who deliver tissue-culture bananas to China are facing a crisis as Chinese cars enter Kachin State and take over their business.

The operators claim that they have to park hundreds of their vehicles and suffer losses as the Chinese cars can offer lower prices. They urge the government to intervene and stop the entry of Chinese cars, which have been increasing since July and August last year.

The chairman of the Kachin State Crop Producers Association, U Larik, said that there were conflicts between the banana farm owners and the transport operators over the prices and responsibilities. He added that some banana plantation companies were planning to buy their own vehicles to transport their produce.

The issue of Chinese cars transporting Chinese tissue-culture bananas grown in Kachin State has been a contentious one since the time of the former National League for Democracy government. The Covid-19 pandemic had temporarily halted the banana cultivation in Kachin State, but it resumed and expanded in early last year.

Tissue banana plantations cover around 150,000 hectares of land in waingmaw, Myitkyina and Shwegu townships of Kachin State, along the eastern bank of the Ayeyawady River.