Ayeyarwady region chief minister and ministers released but some NLD members still remain detained

Ayeyarwady region chief minister and ministers released but some NLD members still remain detained
Published 3 February 2021
Min Thu Win Htut

After declaring a state of emergency, chief minister and ministers of Ayeyarwady Region government that had been detained, were sent back to their homes in the government housing compound in the night of 1st  February, but the speaker of Ayeyarwady Region Hluttaw, regional level responsible persons from NLD and some representatives were still under detention till 4pm of 2nd February.     

The chief minister and ministers of the government were sent back to their homes, but the housing compound was under guard, and the ministers were permitted to communicate with their families, and they were in good health, as learnt from their families.     

Deputy commander of the Southwest  Command has taken office at the Office of Ayeyarwady Region Government under heavy guard.    

One office staff of the government office said, "I think it was the deputy commander that took office and had meetings since yesterday. The office rooms of the ministers are sealed ".    

It was learnt that although some region hluttaw representatives have been sent back home, some region level responsible persons within the party and some representatives were still under detention, and U Aung Kyaw Khaing, Ayeyarwady Region Hluttaw president was still under detention.      

Ko Myo Thet Oo, Youth in charge of Ayeyarwady Region NLD, and Ayeyarwady Region Hluttaw representative, said, " We were taken by people dressed in guerilla uniforms. First in one place, and later sent to the Kwin Kauk army unit. Soon after arrival we were photographed like criminals.  On the whole we were treated well. Our phones were confiscated immediately,  but were given back in the afternoon. When we checked the phones we came to know of the coup. This is unacceptable as an elected representative.  In the afternoon soldiers in mufti sent us back home.  Hluttaw speaker is still in detention in Kwun Kauk army unit. The rest of the representatives have all been released.  It is learnt that Dr Tin Min Htut is still under detention ".    

The NLD office of Ayeyarwady Region that was sealed on 1st  Feb  was opened again, and documents and things taken were given back.