Ape attacked a villager in a reserve forest in Pinlebu

Ape attacked a villager in a reserve forest in Pinlebu
Published 21 December 2018
Kaung Khant Lin (Monywa)

An ape attacked a villager, who went to gather canes with another man, in a reserve forest in Pinlebu Township, Kawlin District, Sagaing Region on December 17 and he has sustained serious injuries, said MP Than Hlaing of No.2 Pinlebu Constituency.

“Two men from Kyuntaw Village went to the forest to gather canes. The forest is located between Pinlebu and Phaungpyin townships. The two men separated to cover more ground and one man encountered with an ape. The ape jumped him, pinned him to the ground and pummeled his head. The victim had to get 30 stitches in his head and his jaw was broken. When the ape went for his larynx, he attacked it with his knife. The ape ran away when it was stabbed. His injuries are serious,” said the MP.

The injured man searched for his companion and came back to the village, he said.

He was sent to Pinlebu Township hospital as his injuries are serious, added the MP.