55 natural disasters and accidents reported in January

55 natural disasters and accidents reported in January
Published 29 January 2019

From January 1 to 22, there were 55 reported natural disasters and accidents nationwide, according to the figures from Myanmar Fire Service Department.

The disasters and accidents killed nine people, affected 119 others and destroyed 280 houses and buildings.  

The natural disasters and accidents cover two bank slides, one landslide, two strong winds, 26 traffic accidents, 20 car accidents, two tree falling cases and two other accidents.

There were two cases in Chin State, two in Sagaing Region, two in Taninthayi Region, one in Nay Pyi Taw, 20 in Bago Region, three in Magway Region, nine in Mandalay Region, two in Mon State, three in Rakhine State, six in Yangon Region, two in Shan State and three in Ayeyawady Region.

Last year, there were 1,856 natural disasters and accidents, killing 645 people and affecting more than 140,000 populations.

The government formed 72 rescue and search teams with 7,200 members in order to make rapid responses to natural disasters and accidents. Now the government has reformed rescue and search teams with 13,627 members.