10am-4pm curfew lifted in Pakokku

10am-4pm curfew lifted in Pakokku
Published 3 November 2021
Thet Htein Win

The daytime curfew from 10 am to 4 pm in Pakokku, Magway Region, has been lifted as of November 2, according to departmental sources.

Since the end of June, the Ministry of Health had declared Pakokku as a stay-at-home town due to spikes in Covid-19 cases, banning the residents from going outside for two periods a dayone from 10 am to 4 pm and the other from 8 pm to 4 am.   

A departmental official said the 10 am-4 pm curfew had been lifted for the convenient travel of the local residents as schools reopened on November 1 after decreasing Covid-19 cases.

Moreover, entry and exit of the town have also been allowed.

Previously, we had to hurry to do shopping. When I returned home, I had to get out of the town before 10. On the days when I was late, I had to wait till 4 pm. With the restrictions removed, we find it very convenient again to go shopping and go around for health purposes. It is good for traders, said Ko Po Toe who regularly comes to Pakokku from Myaing Township for shopping.

However, the 8 pm-4 am curfew will remain in Pakokku.

The town saw 1,471 Covid-19 cases and 144 deaths from June to November 1. Fewer cases have been reported since the last week of October.