Use of drugs increases in Pharuso in Kayah State

Use of drugs increases in Pharuso in Kayah State
Published 15 October 2018
Ma Khine (Loikaw)

Uses of drugs have increased at alarming rates among youths in Pharuso, Kayah State which has prompted educational efforts to be carried out, according to Kayah State Member of parliament Khuthaeye.

“Kayah State locals are in great anxiety as usage of drugs among youths have increased. If we don’t carry out educative works to the public, things may get worse in the future. That’s why we are distributing leaflets on ill effects of abusing narcotics. We want the government to effectively handle the drugs menace. If action needs to be taken, it must be done effectively  or if education works were to be carried out, it should be amongst the public for them to learn,” said MP of Kayah State Khuthaeye.

Kayah State, for the first time, has carried out distribution of leaflets in cooperation with Kayah Lephu youths.

Drugs were usually only available from traffickers in Pharuso city but by now, even the villages are able to easily access drugs.

“Pill pushers are found not only in city but also in villages because the amount of demand from growing amounts of drug abusers in rural villages. We don’t know the exact reason why villagers have become so reliant on drug abuse. Some said that since most of them rely on hard labour for a living and so they turn to drugs to ease their hardship. Some said they use for recreational purposes”, said MP Khuthaeye. 

Pharuso is only 20 miles distant from Loikaw. It is located in the eastern part of Myanmar. Kayah State is mountainous state. Loikaw is Kayah State’s major city.