Sad-eyed Boonrod gets his own Facebook page after Gulf rescue - The Nation | #AsiaNewsNetwork

Sad-eyed Boonrod gets his own Facebook page after Gulf rescue - The Nation | #AsiaNewsNetwork
Published 20 April 2019

Boonrod, the dog rescued this week from the middle of the Gulf of Thailand, can now show off his own Facebook page with more than 6,000 followers.

Launched on Friday, Boonrod บุญรอดหมาอ่าวไทย (Boonrod Gulf of Thailand dog), has Facebook user Vitisak Payalaw serving as an administrator.

The rescue of the tan-coloured dog, named Boonrod (“Survivor” in Thai) by his rescuers, hit both domestic and international headlines after he was fished from the gulf last Friday by Chevron rig workers 220 kilometres from the shore.

They spotted his head bobbing between the waves. How he got there and how long he had been lost at sea has remained mysterious.

Boonrod was brought to Songkhla province to be under a vet’s care and is said to be recovering. His sad eyes, clearly visible exhaustion and quiet appearance pulled at the hearts of many who followed the rescue.

Boonrod will enjoy a new life, as the Chevron worker who rescued him has decided to adopt him.

His Facebook page is now full of drawings and paintings of him made by his followers.