Landmines kill 102 in Chin State Over 3 Years, 40% women and children among victims

Landmines kill 102 in Chin State Over 3 Years, 40% women and children among victims
Published 12 June 2024

Over the course of more than three years, 102 civilians fell victim to landmines in Chin State, with 40 percent of them being women and children, as reported by the Chin Human Rights Organization.

 From 2021 to May 2024, the toll amounted to 36 fatalities and 66 injuries due to landmines in the region.

The CHRO also disclosed that amidst ongoing armed conflict, approximately half of Chin State's population, totaling 500,000 individuals, has been displaced, with around 250,000 seeking refuge elsewhere.

Since 2021, many of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) have sought sanctuary in neighboring areas of India, according to CHRO statements.