Barge carrying cement bags hits bridge pillar, sinks in Ayeyawaddy River

Barge carrying cement bags hits bridge pillar, sinks in Ayeyawaddy River
Photo - MFSD
Photo - MFSD
Published 8 June 2024

A barge carrying cement bags collided with a bridge pillar in the Ayeyawaddy River near Htauksharpin Village in Minbu Township at around 2 pm on June 7, causing a hole in its hull and resulting in the barge sinking.

The barge  struck the bridge between pillars No. 17 and 18, near Htauksharpin Village. The collision created a hole in the barge's belly, leading to its sinking.

Rescue teams from the Minbu Township Fire Service Department promptly arrived at the scene. The search and rescue operations were conducted and successfully completed by around 5:50 pm, with all individuals on the barge being rescued.