Thousands of locals flee from Waingmaw outskirts and nearby villages for safety

Thousands of locals flee from Waingmaw outskirts and nearby villages for safety
Published 22 May 2024

Thousands of locals from some neighborhoods on the outskirts of Waingmaw and nearby villages in Kachin State have been fleeing since the morning of May 21.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) told villagers from Naung Hee, Seng Car villages in Waingmaw town, and villages near the 58th Battalion such as Madin, Kha Kuan and Laban to flee for safety by 10 am on May 21, according to those fleeing from those villages.

''Most of them ran towards Naung Chain. They told us to run in that direction. Most of them ran to Myitkyina. There are also those who run to the Sadom of the border. Some of them don't run, so they are staying on the roadside,'' said a local who fled.

After a fight between the KIA, PDF joint forces and the Tatmadaw occurred on May 18 in the vicinity of Waingmaw town and on May 20, heavy weapons exploded in the new block of Khatcho Village, killing six civilians, including two children, and injuring 11 others.

Currently, Myitkyina and Ayeyawady river ports such as Khatcho, Makhanti, and Naunghee boat ports are closed on the evening of May 20.

On the evening of May 21, residents said four drone bombs exploded inside the Waingmaw police station.