Loikaw town undergoes area clearance and rehabilitation efforts by security forces

Loikaw town undergoes area clearance and rehabilitation efforts by security forces
Published 16 June 2024

The Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) and the People’s Defence Forces (PDF), which are occupied in Pao Autonomous Region and Kayah State, are being attacked by the Tatmadaw, and rehabilitation activities are being performed, announced the information team of the State Administration Council (SAC).

In order to disrupt the peace and stability in Pa-O Autonomous Region in Shan State (South) and Kayah State, the PNLO and the PDF attacked the bases and camps of the security forces in Moebye, Pekhon, Loikaw, Dimawhso townships with a large force on January 26. They arrested and killed local people in the town and its surroundings areas, burned departmental buildings and homes to stop government machinery and set up mines, announced the SAC information team.

In addition, SAC announced that they blocked the road along the Hopong-Banyin-Hsihseng-Loikaw route and continued to carry out destructive activities in the area.

The security forces carried out a counter-terrorism operation in the areas controlled by these groups since January 29, and they were able to regain control of the Hsihseng-Loikaw road (42 miles) on May 29, and there were 87 clashes with these groups, it said.

After that, they disrupted the security of the town and airfield of Loikaw and the security forces re-controlled the industrial zone area and Narnattaw neighborhood on June 14. The security forces continue to clear the outskirts of the town, it said.

The rehabilitation of the ruins in the villages and the demining work to ensure the safety of the local people are carried out in a timely manner led by the Chief Minister of the Kayah State Government and the Commander of the Eastern Command, it said.

Now that Loikaw town has returned to its normal situation, people are moving around and living in the town. Security forces, members of the Myanmar Police Force, firefighters, Departmental staff and locals cleaned up the buildings that were damaged by fire inside the Thiri Mingalar (central) market in Loikaw town, which was burnt down by armed men on the morning of June 15. For the convenience of the local people, a temporary market can be opened. Rehabilitation works are being carried out in the city, including the cleaning of pagodas, such as Thiri Mingalar (Taung Khai) Pagoda and Myo Nan Pagoda, bridges and roads in Loikaw town, announced the SAC.

Well-wishers also donated food and clean drinking water to the local people, families from army battalions, employees and security forces members, who are carrying out rehabilitation activities. The Kayah State Chief Minister, Commander of the Eastern Command and officials visited and encouraged them and coordinated the necessary arrangements.