Over 1,600 Myanmar nationals arrested in March despite significant decrease in illegal entry to Thailand

Over 1,600 Myanmar nationals arrested in March despite significant decrease in illegal entry to Thailand
Published 4 April 2022
Ko Shwe Thein

Although the number of illegal migrants into Thailand has significantly reduced, over 1600 Myanmar workers were arrested in March for illegally entering Thailand from various border gates, as learnt from the people concerned with the workers' affairs.

Moe Gyo, chairman of JACBA engaging in the affairs of Myanmar workers based in Mae Sot, said that in March illegal entries from border gates had reduced, that compared to entries in other months the number of illegal migrants in March was reduced, and in spite of that over 1600 illegal migrants had been caught as stated by the Thai news release.

He further said that the reduction of Myanmar illegal migrants could be due the instruction given by the Thai Central Government to the District Administrators at the border.

Moe Gyo said that instructions had been given to the border guards to be more strict with inspection, to carry out more inspections in the villages, and to be more wary of human trafficking and other crimes.

Due to the political situation in Myanmar, and with poor economy and due to scarcity of work and less income almost every day people were going through border gates into neighboring Thailand with the help of brokers.

In January 2022 there had been over 4000 illegal migrants to Thailand, and in February there had been over 5000, and in March there had been over 1600.

Within three months over 10000 illegal Myanmar migrants into Thailand had been nabbed. One reason for the reduction of illegal migrants in March was to due to the lack of trust in the promises of brokers to finish with legal papers for work, and due to the reports from those coming back telling of the difficulties faced and of getting caught, and due to the battles going on in Kayin State at the Thai-Myanmar border, and due to news that workers would be hired in April on MoU.